Things You Can Do By Getting Your Windows Task Automated

Things You Can Do By Getting Your Windows Task Automated

The world today is automated in every sense and therefore, getting your windows tasks automated is yet another amazing option. For those of you, who do not have much of clarity on the same, here are the best benefits of getting the windows task automated are mentioned below.

1. Get monthly backups on the cloud
There is always a huge amount of data stored on your windows system, losing which is not even an option for you. It might be a collection of your favourite music, or it can even be something as critical as a novel on which you’ve been working on for years. Information and data as critical as this is absolutely important and nobody wishes to lose that. When you automate windows tasks, you can easily get a backup of your important information without much of a hassle.

2. Delete All Files In A Folder
Is there a folder you have to clear out every now and then? Like the temp files or the downloads? While these might contain bulk or non bulk files, clearing them out is a task you have to undertake every now and then. With windows task automated, you can clear out the required folder in a periodic manner so even if you forget about it, the clearing out is done by your windows task automated.

3. Send Automated Emails With Attachments
We all have to send out super important emails and some of us have to do this task on a daily or weekly basis. This could be an email to your boss or to your customers with something very significant that you need to attach. With the windows task automated you can shoot emails as and when you like it and yes, with the requisite attachment as well.

4. Launching Programs When You Log On
When you log on to your system, we all have a certain routine that has been set in place as per our work. We log on, we go to certain programs we work on and have to launch them. This could be anything from a particular web browser, to your email and a client chat you need to keep a check on for info updates. With windows task automation you can automate the launch of these programs. It’s a simple process as you have to set up your task for the same. To automate a launch of any certain program when you log in you could set the task from your trigger screen and select When I log in. Proceed by clicking next and select Start a program from the Action screen. Upon clicking the Start a program, you get to Browse and choose which programs you wish to launch upon a login. Click Finish to get done and you are all set.

Getting your windows task automated is a great option in the longer run as it only has plentiful benefits and not even a single type of disadvantage associated with it. Some of the major things that you can do using the same are mentioned in the above section of the blog. Also, referring to visualcron will only enhance your knowledge on the same.

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