VisualCron have many ways to interact and integrate with Office. The different ways are divided into 3 parts

  • Office macro - the ability to run a macro located in an Office document
  • Excel automation - Get, Set and Update cells in an Excel document
  • Office 365 - cloud automation currently focused on managing online calendars

  • Office Macro Task

    Office Macro Task executes an existing macro located in any Office document. Most common is to execute macros in Excel documents. When doing this in VisualCron you specific the Excel file, macro name and any parameters and the execution will be done in the background.

    Excel automation

    With Excel automation Tasks you can edit one or more Excel documents. Excel documents can either be created or updated based on result from other Tasks you may have. For example, a spreadsheet can be created from a SQL query output. These are the different Excel automation Tasks we have at the moment:

  • Excel - Get cell - The Excel - Get cell Task lets you extract data from certain worksheets, rows and columns.
  • Excel - Create - The Excel - Create Task can create an excel file from a CSV file or Variable
  • Excel - Set cell - The Excel Set cell Task sets one or more values in an Excel sheet starting on a specific position.
  • Excel - Convert - The Excel - Convert Task is able to convert an Excel file into various Excel formats and text files.
  • Excel - Get row count - The Excel - Get row count returns the number of rows for a specific worksheet in an Excel file.
  • Excel - Recalculate - Recalculates an existing Excel function/formula within a document and saves the document afterwards.

  • Office 365 automation

    Office 365 Tasks is working with the Office365 Cloud. Currently we have the following Task types for Office 365:

  • Office365 - Add calendar event(s) (Pro) - The Office365 - Add Calendar Event Task adds a new event to the calendar.
  • Office365 - Update calendar event(s) (Pro) - The Office365 - Update Calendar Event Task updates the event in the calendar.
  • Office365 - Delete calendar event(s) (Pro) - The Office365 - Delete Calendar Event Task deletes the event in the calendar.

  • Office automation is just one of the many features and Tasks in VisualCron. Download and try it out today!

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