VisualCron License Guide
How to Choose the Right VisualCron License

Struggling to know whether you need a Essentials, Advanced, or Pro license? Learn more about key differentiators, take a quiz to view a suggested license based on your needs, or get in touch for tailored subscription guidance.

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Which license type is right for me?

When choosing between the Essentials, Advanced, and Pro licenses, ask yourself these key questions:

What do I want to do with VisualCron?
Are you focused solely on automating internal processes like scripts and cloud services, or will you also need to securely manage file transfers and automate desktop application by recording and replaying human keystrokes with RPA? To leverage MFT and RPA capabilities, you will need a Standard or Pro license.

How many task and trigger types will I need?
A Essentials license is limited to 146 task types and 21 trigger types. If your operations are complex and require greater flexibility, the Advanced license (which includes 239 task types and 37 trigger types) or the Pro license (which includes 373 task types and 38 trigger types) are likely a better fit for your needs.

Do I need features like server monitoring, load balancing, and a task repository?
Do you need real-time visibility into the performance of the server in which VisualCron operates or a central repository for scripts that can be reused and executed through variables? If so, you will need the Advanced license at minimum. If you also require load balancing, where VisualCron can switch functionality depending on conditions like CPU usage, then the Pro license is right for you.

View a comparison of our three VisualCron licenses
When do I need more than one VisualCron server license?

Depending on your infrastructure and goals, you may need more than one server license. The most common reasons customers purchase multiple server licenses are:

Server bottlenecks
While the CPU footprint of the VisualCron engine is very small, the processes you launch may consume significant CPU power. To spread the load, some users purchase multiple licenses. Additionally, the load balancing capabilities included with the VisualCron Pro license effectively address server bottlenecks.

Local execution advantages
VisualCron offers two types of Execute tasks: Local and Remote. The Remote Execute task is limited by Windows is many ways. For example, you cannot retrieve output from a Remote Execute Task or run it with the same privileges as the Local Task. Similarly, the PowerShell Task can be executed remotely, but there are limitations in Windows when doing so. Because the Local Execute Task offers many more features, some users choose to install a VisualCron server on each Windows machine where they want to perform Local Execute Tasks.

Development and testing considerations
For various reasons related to development, testing, acceptance, and production (DTAP) and disaster recovery (DR), some users need a production environment to test and configure jobs before they go into production, leading them to purchase multiple licenses.
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