Why Business Automation adds a Punch to your business processes

A research by Netsuite found that more than 2/3rd of the participating companies seek improving productivity so as to cut down costs and increase business returns. Around 60% of mid-size companies plan to automate their business operations. It essentially follows that by automating the daily processes in business contexts, employees will be relieved from handling diversified data types and order management issues. Subsequently, they can further contribute towards adding more value to the company by emphasizing their efforts in revenue growth initiatives. The same research revealed that a large section of these companies anticipates integrating software tools to impart better customer experience and quality management short.

  • Why do we need to automate businesses today?

In the world we live, opportunities of better market acquisition are exponentially rising. With that kind of business environment, there is no room for leaving any screw loose. Getting business processes automated results into tangible results. Whether it is customer experience or productivity, or even deliverance of new products, automation frees you from all insecurities and encourages your valuable manpower to look beyond the average scope. While the software takes care of your daily operations, you can look for better opportunities.

PMG  went deep to explore the benefits of getting a typical business operation automated. They found that an automated business process performs better than an ordinary business by

  • sharing knowledge

  • improving the customer experience and making the buyer's journey seamless

  • managing and measuring enterprise data resources

  • getting a bigger picture out of accumulated transactional data to formulate and activate the feasible plan-of-action

  • error-free alignment of business goals

  • gaining consistent efficiency and discarding miscommunication

  • eliminating redundancy by cross-checking the stored data therefore ensuring anti-duplicacy

If you are a small or midsize company struggling to manage your valuable information, you can look out for a standard business process automation (BPA) software. As such, most of the available software resources are compatible with the general system specifications. So, with little spending (on the license or the cost of the BPA software), you can get the maximum benefits and become a market leader in no time!

Depending upon your specific requirements and market compatibility, your chosen software should adapt to your precise needs. Also, since you will want to reduce your expenditure, it is preferable that the software should allow multiple users while using a single server as the administrator. Make sure that your data remains secure and so check for the security features as well. You don't want your valuable data to leak, so having proper permission system designed in the software need to be present.

Our new CRM system

The most common support request right now is concerning our new CRM system. In January we upgraded our system while we, at the same time, published a new order page. Here are some changes:

 One of the problems we had was that we had no relation between licenses and a Company - what we had was Email to license relation. This was not enough as we wanted to add support for multiple users (within a company) to be connected to a company which in turn was connected to all licenses purchased. This would help in situations when many want to access license information and if one employee quits the company and still others are in control of licenses.

  • The above resulted in a couple of new pages like My profile - where personal and company information is updated, My licenses - where you can see all licenses you have, when they expire, maintenance association and so on, My contacts - all persons connected to the same company and My orders - orders and invoices.
  • As the forum is central for support we wanted to re-use those users so you use one account everywhere.

 Still, some manual work was required to make this transition - work that could not be fully done from here:

 Users need "create" their own company - this is done through My profile page.

  • Users need to import their existing licenses. The main reason is that previous orders were done from emails that may not be associated with the company so we could not know which licenses belonged to which company. The import is done on the My licenses page.
  • Once a company is created users need to "invite" other users that they want to share access with.

 This transition has been smooth so far and we appreciate your patience and help in this.



1. I want to purchase/renew a license but I seem to have forgot my user name?

Most likely you do not have any user at all as we previously did not require logon when placing orders. The users are created in the in the forum first. Please perform these steps to complete registration:

  • Register your personal account here. You need to validate your email so look in spam folder if you have not received validation email in 5 minutes.
  • Update your and company setings at the My profile page.
  • Import any existing licenses at My licenses page. You can find licenses two ways;  1. look for old emails from sales@visualcron.com containing subject "Payment confirmation", 2. Connect the VisualCron Client to the Server and go to Server tab->License->Copy activation code to clip board. If you cannot find your licenses then please contact sales@visualcron.com and we will help
  • Invite any other users that you need to have access to licenses, orders etc. on the My contacts page
  • Complete the order
  • Please remember that if you are purchasing a maintenance renewal then you need to go to My licenses page and associate the maintenance with one existing license.


2. I am getting renewal reminders even though I have purchased a renewal, why?

What needs to be done after purchasing a renewal is to associate the renewal code with an existing license. This is a manual process that needs to be done by you as we cannot know exactly which original license/activation code you want to renew.

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