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We have a customer that uses pipes in their data and they maintain that we need to keep them in there. Otherwise they will not except out shipments. I have been reading all the forum posts and the VisualCron documentation. Thus, I have been trying to use other chars for the variables and it still will not work for their data, but, it will work for other companies that we have. The only way I can get their alert to go through VisualCron is to Replace in SQL. Otherwise when it comes to the email in the body it will not work.
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Originally Posted by: Rinbreos 

We have a customer that uses pipes in their data and they maintain that we need to keep them in there. Otherwise they will not except out shipments. I have been reading all the forum posts and the VisualCron documentation. Thus, I have been trying to use other chars for the variables and it still will not work for their data, but, it will work for other companies that we have. The only way I can get their alert to go through VisualCron is to Replace in SQL. Otherwise when it comes to the email in the body it will not work.

Can you elaborate a little please,

Did you read  and changed delimiter accordingly but it does not work, and in what way doesn't it work?

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I have read and tried that.
Here is an example of data with pipes: RoHS|YES|EXCEL-TECH|028180 REV 01|EMU40EX
I tried to put in the data from our loop like this {TASK(,PrevTask,StdOut)} and it will work on the other companies but this one with the pipes in their data it will not work for some reason.
Are there commas in their original data? You have to pick a character that is not in the data at all. What does "not work" mean? Do you get an error? Incorrect output?
I just tried this way because I know that we do not use ^ in any of our data.
It still did failed on that company's data but worked on all others.
Originally Posted by: Rinbreos 

I just tried this way because I know that we do not use ^ in any of our data.
It still did failed on that company's data but worked on all others.

In what way does it not work? What's the error message you receive?

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It will run through all other companies data and send them their alerts when it gets to this one it gives 7777 error and the error output is: Send failed to:, err: Mail message assembly failed with error 1
Joey S
Ray, what task are you trying to use with this data? Are you doing something in SQL, is that right. Can you post a screen shot of what you are trying to do? Your posts, so far, indicate you have pipe delimited data abut it does not indicate what, exactly, you re trying to do with that data.
I am taking the output of the previous task and it is getting put into the body of an email that is the delimiter. Below works for all other companies but for the one that has Pipes in their data. The only places where there is data for them is their description for their item that they are ordering from us which is only in the body.

<p>Hello {STRING(GetColumn|2|10|~|{TASK(5dbe84b0-05e8-42ea-a533-ce843af1c505|StdOut)})},</p><br>
<p> This is a REMINDER that a proof has been sent for the item(s) below and they are currently ON HOLD pending approval.</p>


<p>Please contact me with any further questions you may have regarding this order.</p><br>
<p>Thank you for your time,</p>
<p>DuraTech Industries</p>
<p>Global Presence, Local Service</p>
<p>Visit us at <a></a><p>
Joey S
Looks as though the fix mentioned in this post: https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=4806  does not work with "Get Column" Function strings

Originally Posted by: Rinbreos 

I am taking the output of the previous task and it is getting put into the body of an email that is the delimiter. Below works for all other companies but for the one that has Pipes in their data. The only places where there is data for them is their description for their item that they are ordering from us which is only in the body.

<p>Hello {STRING(GetColumn|2|10|~|{TASK(5dbe84b0-05e8-42ea-a533-ce843af1c505|StdOut)})},</p><br>
<p> This is a REMINDER that a proof has been sent for the item(s) below and they are currently ON HOLD pending approval.</p>


<p>Please contact me with any further questions you may have regarding this order.</p><br>
<p>Thank you for your time,</p>
<p>DuraTech Industries</p>
<p>Global Presence, Local Service</p>
<p>Visit us at <a></a><p>

Let us know if you still experience issues please

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Yes I am cannot get it to work this way for the body at all. For that one customer the way I have works for all other companies but the one that has pipes in the description of their item. The other data from the are just pulling in names and email addresses from other places in the data and has nothing to do with the data in the body.
Originally Posted by: Rinbreos 

It will run through all other companies data and send them their alerts when it gets to this one it gives 7777 error and the error output is: Send failed to:, err: Mail message assembly failed with error 1

This indicate that something is wrong with the email. Maybe like a blank space or new line. I suggest writing the result to file with Write file Task and inspect the actual content of that Variable. Most likely there is a junk character here.
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I thought the same thing that it was an email issue. So I tested it out with my email as the recipient and it would still error out. When I went into the SQL and did a replace on the Pipes with / in it. Then it would email me the messages, that is the problem is the | pipe in the body data. The problem is this customer is very particular on how they want their data used by use and want us to conform to what they need for their systems to work with their automation.
Originally Posted by: Rinbreos 

I thought the same thing that it was an email issue. So I tested it out with my email as the recipient and it would still error out. When I went into the SQL and did a replace on the Pipes with / in it. Then it would email me the messages, that is the problem is the | pipe in the body data. The problem is this customer is very particular on how they want their data used by use and want us to conform to what they need for their systems to work with their automation.

Please use a write file task for it and you'll be able to get a better overview if there is a symbol or something that is causing this, using notepad++ for example

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