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We seem to have some issues with setting up Execute tasks - we basically want to create a Robocopy task, but it continually fails to save - the task just disappears into thin air!

I am assuming it is either Windows or VisualCron permissions, but the users in question seem to be set up in VC user permissions with admin rights etc.
Any guidance as how to debug / what to look for gratefully received.
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We seem to have some issues with setting up Execute tasks - we basically want to create a Robocopy task, but it continually fails to save - the task just disappears into thin air!

I am assuming it is either Windows or VisualCron permissions, but the users in question seem to be set up in VC user permissions with admin rights etc.
Any guidance as how to debug / what to look for gratefully received.

This sounds odd indeed. On what version is this? Could you please either send screenshots of the related task settings or export the job and send to please ?

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