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Digital Platform Canon (UK) Ltd
We have found a task has not run as scheduled.
We see in logs:
15/08/2019 04:55:22 Debug Next execution (7) for job 'Live PPTBatch XXXXXsameday_mech' is: 15/08/2019 05:02:00
15/08/2019 05:05:20 Debug Next execution (7) for job 'Live PPTBatch XXXXX_sameday_mech' is: 15/08/2019 15:01:00
So at 5:05 the task was suppoosed to run at 5:02 but didn't and reset itself to run at the next scheduled time.

Anybody seen this- what did you do?
Currently on v 8.3.6
Forum information
Dealt with this via online support chat.

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Digital Platform Canon (UK) Ltd
We've had a look and accept the system time is changing, we are looking at that but.....
I don't understand why this particular job does not run along with those identified and added to the shouldhaverun list.
The settings are such that it is set to do that, other tasks run so why is it not part of the running missed jobs process?
Where does Visualcron get its "last time" from?
In the attacahed log I can see the Last time stays at 04:10 for nearly 3 hours.

15/08/2019 04:39:13 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 04:39:13
15/08/2019 04:39:13 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:01
15/08/2019 04:39:13 Info Running missed Jobs between 15/08/2019 04:10:01 and 15/08/2019 04:39:12 (RunMissedInterval)
15/08/2019 04:57:35 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 04:57:35
15/08/2019 04:57:35 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:08
15/08/2019 05:12:39 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 05:12:39
15/08/2019 05:12:39 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:11
15/08/2019 05:26:28 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 05:26:28
15/08/2019 05:26:28 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:13
15/08/2019 05:47:04 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 05:47:04
15/08/2019 05:47:04 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:14
5/08/2019 06:02:03 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 06:02:03
15/08/2019 06:02:03 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:15
15/08/2019 07:33:14 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 07:33:14
15/08/2019 07:33:14 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 07:33:16
Originally Posted by: Digital Platform Canon (UK) Ltd 

We've had a look and accept the system time is changing, we are looking at that but.....
I don't understand why this particular job does not run along with those identified and added to the shouldhaverun list.
The settings are such that it is set to do that, other tasks run so why is it not part of the running missed jobs process?
Where does Visualcron get its "last time" from?
In the attacahed log I can see the Last time stays at 04:10 for nearly 3 hours.

15/08/2019 04:39:13 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 04:39:13
15/08/2019 04:39:13 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:01
15/08/2019 04:39:13 Info Running missed Jobs between 15/08/2019 04:10:01 and 15/08/2019 04:39:12 (RunMissedInterval)
15/08/2019 04:57:35 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 04:57:35
15/08/2019 04:57:35 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:08
15/08/2019 05:12:39 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 05:12:39
15/08/2019 05:12:39 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:11
15/08/2019 05:26:28 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 05:26:28
15/08/2019 05:26:28 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:13
15/08/2019 05:47:04 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 05:47:04
15/08/2019 05:47:04 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:14
5/08/2019 06:02:03 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 06:02:03
15/08/2019 06:02:03 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 04:10:15
15/08/2019 07:33:14 Debug Current time: 15/08/2019 07:33:14
15/08/2019 07:33:14 Debug Last time: 15/08/2019 07:33:16

The thing is, the fact that the system changes time can interfere with a lot of processes in VisualCron and it's really hard to troubleshoot this until you've got that sorted out so that it doesn't change time on a continuous frequency

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Digital Platform Canon (UK) Ltd
Right got the time sorted out.
We see 3 tasks have not run last night.
Noticed in the client the jobs have a next run time earlier than the actual time, [can't work out how to paste in a screenshot here to illustrate].
In the server log at the time the job should have run there is no reference to the jobs. I do see a reference when I activated the jobs later.

What can we look at to see why these jobs are not running?

i have the log file and some screen grabs of the client I can share if we can work out how to do that

John Guest
Digital Platform Canon (UK) Ltd
Just sent maill with logs & screenshots
"Forum - General problem solving - "task not running" - supporting files [#676334]"
to give you a little more to look at.
Originally Posted by: Digital Platform Canon (UK) Ltd 

Just sent maill with logs & screenshots
"Forum - General problem solving - "task not running" - supporting files [#676334]"
to give you a little more to look at.

Continuing this issue via email.

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Digital Platform Canon (UK) Ltd
mailing, exported job & log - happened again this morning.
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