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Jason T
Recently updated to 8.5.4.

It appears that the Archive - Compress task is creating a zip file that is 0KB even when the directory contents of the path & file mask do not contain any files.

In our previous version, it did not build a zip file if there were no files. I believe we updated from 8.4.9 to 8.5.4

Is there a setting or something I can check to make it function like it did before?
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Originally Posted by: Jason T 

Recently updated to 8.5.4.

It appears that the Archive - Compress task is creating a zip file that is 0KB even when the directory contents of the path & file mask do not contain any files.

In our previous version, it did not build a zip file if there were no files. I believe we updated from 8.4.9 to 8.5.4

Is there a setting or something I can check to make it function like it did before?

Hi Jason, I sent you an email, but will reply here as well.

In the latest 8.5.5 build ( we’ve fixed the issues with multiple content filters but only one having files, causing an error, plus we’ve also added a new option in the setting, to make it optional for you to create an empty zip file in case of no files in the source folder.


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