Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

Changes so far in this version:

[FEATURE] Client/Server: Added Task manager with CPU usage per Job / Task / Thread / Services etc.
[FEATURE] Client/Server: SSIS Task->Added support for SQL server 2017
[FEATURE] Client/Server: WebDAV->Added List files and folders Tasks and file filters for WebDAV Tasks
[FEATURE] Client/Server: FTP/Cloud/WebDAV->Added Get folders Task
[FEATURE] Client/Server: VisualCron Trigger->Added option to ignore the current Job
[FEATURE] Client/Server: SharePoint Tasks->Optimized listing of files
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Proxy->Added test button for proxy
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Added support for AzureRM in Azure Tasks
[FEATURE] Client/Server: VisualCron Trigger->On error reconnect attempts added
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Web API->Added Task repository methods
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Amazon S3->Folder selection fixes
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: SFTP/SSH default cipher changes
[BUGFIX] Server: Email Trigger->Fixed "Keep connection" issue
[BUGFIX] Server: Email Task/Notification->Fixed issues with truncating email recipient
[BUGFIX] Server: File Trigger->Fixed issue with folder exclusion and using full path
[BUGFIX] Client: Backup settings->Fixed missing option for "Task repository objects"
[BUGFIX] Client: Unlock desktop Task->Fixed Credential validation error
[BUGFIX] Server: Variables->Fixed issue with Task->Connection string Variable
[BUGFIX] Server: .NET Code Task/Assembly Execute Task->Fixed character encoding issue
[BUGFIX] Server: Job folders->Fixed issues with Job folders
[BUGFIX] Server: Output->Handled large output issues
[BUGFIX] Server: XML - Create/Edit node->Fixed Variable resolving issues
[BUGFIX] WebClient: Fixed various issues with reworked code (speed, flickering)
[BUGFIX] Server: SQL Task->Fixed stored procedures refresh issue for Oracle
[BUGFIX] Server: Variables->Fixed current executing user Variable when running Tasks manually
[BUGFIX] Server: PowerShell->Fixed a problem capturing "throw"
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: WebDAV->Fixed a problem with URI construction
[BUGFIX] Server: PDF Task->Add Header: Fixed some output issues and a Credential issue
[BUGFIX] Server: SharePoint->Fixed Connection and inner exception issues
[BUGFIX] Client: Task repository->Fixed bug adding new objects
[BUGFIX] Server: Email Trigger->Fixed issue with reading delete messages
[BUGFIX] Server: Excel - Recalculate Task->Some optimizations for Excel 2007 and over
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Job running status - fixed potential hanging on "Running"
[BUGFIX] Server: Audit log->Limited more sensitive values from diff
[BUGFIX] Server: Service Tasks->Fixed remote Credential validation
[BUGFIX] Server: Task flow->Fixed a problem with Retry times not resetting when using multiple Tasks with retry times
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed an issue with Test Job feature in Client
[BUGFIX] Server: Task repository->Fixed issue using Variables in parameters
[BUGFIX] Server: Cloud file Trigger->Fixed issue with downloading
[BUGFIX] Client: Main grid->Improved some speed
[BUGFIX] Client: Main grid->Added column Task->Description and removed some irrelevant columns in column selector
[BUGFIX] Server: Logoff Task->Fixed issue on newer Windows server versions
[BUGFIX] Server: Archive extract->Fixed issue with inheriting original permissions
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Forum information
Not sure where to put this post, but a big problem with 8.5.2 beta. Hard to explain, but we have a script that runs a MySQL command to verify replication is running correctly on a slave:

C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -e "show slave status \G" | find "Slave_SQL_Running:"

For years, this has worked without a problem and takes about 2 seconds to complete, but when I installed 8.5.2 to address https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=9521 , now the script sometimes takes up to 5 minutes, and not even sure what it is doing, but then fails about 25% of the time. Based on my testing, the command line is hanging as standard read and standard output error are both blank. I downgraded back to 8.5.1 and works normally again.
Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

Not sure where to put this post, but a big problem with 8.5.2 beta. Hard to explain, but we have a script that runs a MySQL command to verify replication is running correctly on a slave:

C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -e "show slave status \G" | find "Slave_SQL_Running:"

For years, this has worked without a problem and takes about 2 seconds to complete, but when I installed 8.5.2 to address https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=9521 , now the script sometimes takes up to 5 minutes, and not even sure what it is doing, but then fails about 25% of the time. Based on my testing, the command line is hanging as standard read and standard output error are both blank. I downgraded back to 8.5.1 and works normally again.

Interesting. So I assume this is the execute Task you are using? Can you attach screenshots of settings?

This Task - does it normally have large output? How large?

How long time is this Task running?
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My description was not accurate. Let me start over. Actually, this is a hard one to explain. VisualCron runs a script (AutoIt), which runs the command (as a batch file) that I indicated. The issue appears to be that this command in 8.5.2, my script won't capture the output, but in 8.5.1, this works fine.

C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -e "show slave status \G" | find "Slave_SQL_Running:"


So I assume this is the execute Task you are using?

Yes, sorry, Execute task.


Can you attach screenshots of settings?

Annotation 2019-06-17 063618.jpg
Annotation 2019-06-17 063636.jpg


This Task - does it normally have large output? How large?

The task itself has no output - all of this is done in a script (capturing the output and notifying if a failure).


How long time is this Task running?

In 8.5.1, 2 seconds, in 8.5.2, 5 minutes, but that is because the script is looping through the command due to not capturing any output.

I'm wondering if this a logon issue. We run the VC service as a special domain admin user, rather than having to maintain credentials on 100's of tasks. Maybe 8.5.2 is not handling this the same? Though this server has 100 jobs, and none of the others are having issues.

I just upgraded the server back to 8.5.2 to capture more info for you, but now it's not happening. It was inconsistent before. In fact, after I upgraded, to 8.5.2 the first time, it worked fine for a couple of days and then suddenly started to fail, becoming more consistent in failing over time. Note the time changes around 6/12 to consistently about 1.8 seconds to up to 5 minutes before I downgraded back to 8.5.1 on 6/14.

Annotation 2019-06-17 071604.jpg
Annotation 2019-06-17 071722.jpg

I know this is a tough one. In fact, now that I think about the fact that it does not fail until about 2 days after installation means it can't be a logon issue. I have no idea.
Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

I know this is a tough one. In fact, now that I think about the fact that it does not fail until about 2 days after installation means it can't be a logon issue. I have no idea.

Indeed it sounds tough. The problem is that we do not now what the exe is doing at the moment. If you upgrade to the buildreleased today of 8.5.2 you have the Tools->Task manager. Here you can see CPU usage of the executable, Task and related threads. This might give an indication, after running for a while, if the exe is doing anything at all. Either way, unless the developer of the exe is not logging what it does or not does it is really hard to find out why it is taking longer sometimes and sometimes not.
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I'm still not being clear. The time is due to my script trying over and over again due to no output being captured. The actual command completes in less than a second. I am just using the time as an indicator of when it's not working. The issue is that my script can't capture the mysql.exe output for some reason.
I'll go ahead and update to today's release anyway.
Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

I'm still not being clear. The time is due to my script trying over and over again due to no output being captured. The actual command completes in less than a second. I am just using the time as an indicator of when it's not working. The issue is that my script can't capture the mysql.exe output for some reason.

You probably have more experience on this mysql.exe than we do. Can you do something similar that has zero dependencies so we can reproduce this here? I am thinking about altering the arguments or something like that.
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So the pattern holds. On 6/17, I downgraded to 8.5.1, worked. I upgraded to 8.5.2 that same day, worked. 3 days later, it stopped working again (same as the first time).

Looks like it stopped working right here:

[12:58:34] networkservice: Run Command: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u replication_monitor --password=xxxxxxxxxxxxx -e "show slave status \G" | find "Slave_IO_Running:"
[12:58:35] networkservice: Command line output StdoutRead: Slave_IO_Running: Yes
[12:58:35] networkservice: Line1: Slave_IO_Running: Yes
[12:58:35] networkservice: Line1: Slave_IO_Running: Yes
[12:58:35] networkservice: Slave_IO_Running = Yes
[12:58:35] networkservice: Check Slave_SQL_Running value
[12:58:35] networkservice: Run Command: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u replication_monitor --password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -e "show slave status \G" | find "Slave_SQL_Running:"
[12:58:36] networkservice: Command line output StdoutRead:
[12:58:36] networkservice: Line2:
[12:58:36] networkservice: Line2:

Now, why would it stop after 3 days?
Originally Posted by: Support 

Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

You probably have more experience on this mysql.exe than we do. Can you do something similar that has zero dependencies so we can reproduce this here? I am thinking about altering the arguments or something like that.

I can try, but it won't be easy.
BTW, this is something we do frequently and I only for sure it's failing on this one job on this one machine, but if I can't capture output using these scripts, it will be a huge problem for us. I doubt it's limited to mysql.exe.
Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

BTW, this is something we do frequently and I only for sure it's failing on this one job on this one machine, but if I can't capture output using these scripts, it will be a huge problem for us. I doubt it's limited to mysql.exe.

We fixed on output issue in latest build - can you try that?
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Installed and of course, works. Now, to wait 3 days. 🙂
Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

Installed and of course, works. Now, to wait 3 days. :)

Waiting for positive news 🙂
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Sorry, took 5 days this time, but started again last night. I can't imagine what would make it fail only after a period of time.
I guess I had not tried this, but I restarted the VisualCron service and it starts working immediately (and probably will now for 3-5 days).
3 days (really less than 3 days). Is the pace accelerating or is it "random"?
Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

3 days (really less than 3 days). Is the pace accelerating or is it "random"?

We fixed a handles leak in latest build - pleaes try that.
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Am I crazy? I don't see the link to download the file anymore.
They had to temporarily remove it to fix a problem with the installer. It will probably be available later today or tomorrow.
I am going to cross-post this as these 2 issues are intertwined.

I don't know what is going on, but originally I had this issue:

8.5.1 sftp error on Auto adjust

So I updated to the 8.5.2 Beta

Because of the unable to capture mysql.exe out issue in 8.5.2, I downgraded back to 8.5.1, which meant I had to do the workaround of turning off the Auto Adjust and enter the encryption values manually. That worked, but then because we are debugging 8.5.2, I installed the newer betas of that version. The SFTP task continued to work until the beta published 2 days ago. Now, my SFTP task is failing:

Connection lost due to error 0

The Auto Adjust is still disabled. So in the current version of 8.5.2, the SFTP settings are failing, and not sure about the mysql output issue (takes a few days to know for sure).
Disabled Auto Adjust, SFTP still fails:

Connection lost due to error 0
Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

Disabled Auto Adjust, SFTP still fails:

Connection lost due to error 0

Please use filezilla to connect with verbose logging on. Then send the log to along with screenshots of your VC settings.
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Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

So the pattern holds. On 6/17, I downgraded to 8.5.1, worked. I upgraded to 8.5.2 that same day, worked. 3 days later, it stopped working again (same as the first time).

Looks like it stopped working right here:

[12:58:34] networkservice: Run Command: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u replication_monitor --password=xxxxxxxxxxxxx -e "show slave status \G" | find "Slave_IO_Running:"
[12:58:35] networkservice: Command line output StdoutRead: Slave_IO_Running: Yes
[12:58:35] networkservice: Line1: Slave_IO_Running: Yes
[12:58:35] networkservice: Line1: Slave_IO_Running: Yes
[12:58:35] networkservice: Slave_IO_Running = Yes
[12:58:35] networkservice: Check Slave_SQL_Running value
[12:58:35] networkservice: Run Command: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u replication_monitor --password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -e "show slave status \G" | find "Slave_SQL_Running:"
[12:58:36] networkservice: Command line output StdoutRead:
[12:58:36] networkservice: Line2:
[12:58:36] networkservice: Line2:

Now, why would it stop after 3 days?

So it is still stopping after some days? Please send screenshots of your Task settings to
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Originally Posted by: Support 

Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

Disabled Auto Adjust, SFTP still fails:

Connection lost due to error 0

Please use filezilla to connect with verbose logging on. Then send the log to along with screenshots of your VC settings.

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