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Changes in 5.3.4

[FEATURE] Client/Server: Changed support from 3 to 4 levels of Variable searching
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed and unhandled FTP reply (213)
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed a exit code handling problem in Execute Task
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed date Variable parsing
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1st issue
I currently am checking the 213 error and now the same job gives me:

10/13/2009 1:47:45 PM	Info	Task started: download (9)
10/13/2009 2:29:19 PM	Err	Error (5) downloading file(s): ida20080507.csv, err: Unaccepted server reply (error code is 150) (150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for ida20080506.csv(3027 bytes).
10/13/2009 2:29:19 PM	Err	Error at GetFTPFolderNames: Control channel transfer error
10/13/2009 2:29:19 PM	Info	Task completed: download (9)

So i do not get the 213 error anymore, it's now another. But downloading runs for a long periond (longer than the previous beta)

2nd issue
I have an other issue, If I download everything from a ftp site with subdirs, and one of the dirs is not readable for me, I like to see a message in the log, but I don't like that the task stops. Is this the way it should be?

3rd issue
I have a FTP server where I download all the files inc subdirs.
After a while I get this error:

10/13/2009 12:51:25 PM	Info	Task started: download (8)
10/13/2009 1:28:16 PM	Err	Error (6) downloading file(s): efsv1308.csv, err: Control channel transfer error
10/13/2009 1:28:16 PM	Err	Error at GetFTPFolderNames: Control channel transfer error
10/13/2009 1:28:16 PM	Info	Task completed: download (8)

rerunned the same task (skipping already downloaded files is a ftp setting):
10/13/2009 2:28:48 PM	Info	Task started: download (10)
10/13/2009 2:30:57 PM	Err	Error (6) downloading file(s): efsv1603.csv, err: Socket error (error code is 10060)
10/13/2009 2:30:57 PM	Err	Error at GetFTPFolderNames: Control channel transfer error
10/13/2009 2:30:57 PM	Info	Task completed: download (10)

Third time running the task complets flawless.

So there are still some issues open for this beta.

If you need any help, please contact me.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
I am not sure if this is specific to the beta - probably more specific to your Server. I mean, error 213 must always have been a problem (because it is a non-standard response).

Is it possible that we can connect directly to your server?
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Support wrote:

Is it possible that we can connect directly to your server?

I will email you the credentials.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Hi Henrik,

This has fixed the multiple variables issue I was having, thanks!

Although, downloading from ftp I am getting the following error:


14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug After download
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug ServerSystem: 'V6R1M0'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug FTP path separator: 'Q'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Current path: QGPL
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Change path before: /reports/branch303/20091014
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Change path after: /reports/branch303/20091014
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Changing path to: /reports/branch303/20091014
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Current path: /reports/branch303/20091014
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 15811 14/10/09 04:30:55 *STMF CU0510P1_006885.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 4714 14/10/09 04:30:55 *STMF CU0510P3_006907.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 3928 14/10/09 04:31:01 *STMF EF0500P1_006975.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 2369 14/10/09 04:31:03 *STMF EF0505P1_006998.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 56337 14/10/09 04:31:25 *STMF PS0390P1_007125.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 8351 14/10/09 04:31:26 *STMF PS9602P1_007148.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 19996 14/10/09 04:31:44 *STMF TM0320P1_007336.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Before download
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 15811 14/10/09 04:30:55 *STMF CU0510P1_006885.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 4714 14/10/09 04:30:55 *STMF CU0510P3_006907.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 3928 14/10/09 04:31:01 *STMF EF0500P1_006975.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 2369 14/10/09 04:31:03 *STMF EF0505P1_006998.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 56337 14/10/09 04:31:25 *STMF PS0390P1_007125.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 8351 14/10/09 04:31:26 *STMF PS9602P1_007148.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:12 PM Debug Custom directory listing: 'QSPLJOB 19996 14/10/09 04:31:44 *STMF TM0320P1_007336.PDF'
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Set to nothing(CU0510P1_006885.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Closing stream (CU0510P1_006885.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Set to nothing(CU0510P3_006907.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Closing stream (CU0510P3_006907.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Set to nothing(EF0500P1_006975.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Closing stream (EF0500P1_006975.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Set to nothing(EF0505P1_006998.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Closing stream (EF0505P1_006998.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Set to nothing(PS0390P1_007125.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Closing stream (PS0390P1_007125.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Set to nothing(PS9602P1_007148.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Closing stream (PS9602P1_007148.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Set to nothing(TM0320P1_007336.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug Closing stream (TM0320P1_007336.PDF)
14/10/2009 12:01:13 PM Debug After download
14/10/2009 12:01:14 PM Debug ServerSystem: 'V6R1M0'
14/10/2009 12:01:14 PM Debug FTP path separator: 'Q'
14/10/2009 12:01:14 PM Debug Current path: QGPL
14/10/2009 12:01:14 PM Debug Change path before: /reports/branch304/20091014
14/10/2009 12:01:14 PM Debug Change path after: /reports/branch304/20091014
14/10/2009 12:01:14 PM Debug Changing path to: /reports/branch304/20091014
14/10/2009 12:01:14 PM Err Error changing to FTP folder: Unaccepted server reply (error code is 550) (550-NAMEFMT set to 1.
550-Specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.
550 Working directory not changed.

Levi, do your FTP server file system allow blank spaces in file names?
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I'm not sure Henrik, this was working with build 5.3.3, what did you change for 5.3.4 ?
Levi's FTP server is an IBM iSeries. On i5/OS the first command (CWD, GET, PUT, etc.) determines whether you are using the LIBRARY.FILE(MEMBER) naming convention or the /unix/like/naming/convention. The default is 'NAMEFMT 0' (LIBRARY.FILE(MEMBER)) but if a command is given that starts with a slash, it automatically switches to 'NAMEFMT 1' giving the 550 status message.

This is another issue where being able to send a custom command (like SITE NAMEFMT n) before the actual transfer could be very helpful.

Hope this information is helpful.

Ernst Mikkelsen
Trifork A/S
levi wrote:

I'm not sure Henrik, this was working with build 5.3.3, what did you change for 5.3.4 ?

Levi, please attach the log instead as the format has been destroyed in the forum (blank spaces) or send the log file to
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erpomik wrote:

Levi's FTP server is an IBM iSeries. On i5/OS the first command (CWD, GET, PUT, etc.) determines whether you are using the LIBRARY.FILE(MEMBER) naming convention or the /unix/like/naming/convention. The default is 'NAMEFMT 0' (LIBRARY.FILE(MEMBER)) but if a command is given that starts with a slash, it automatically switches to 'NAMEFMT 1' giving the 550 status message.

This is another issue where being able to send a custom command (like SITE NAMEFMT n) before the actual transfer could be very helpful.

Hope this information is helpful.

Ernst Mikkelsen
Trifork A/S

Hi Ernst,

if this is the case, that a starting slash sets NAMEFMT 1 and gives error, why does it not fail earlier - in the log, this is not the first time it changes folder that way. Just seems as simple as the folder does not exist?
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Support (Henrik) wrote:

if this is the case, that a starting slash sets NAMEFMT 1 and gives error, why does it not fail earlier - in the log, this is not the first time it changes folder that way. Just seems as simple as the folder does not exist?

Hi Henrik,

You are right, absolutely right.

I was blinded by the well known message "NAMEFMT set to 1." and didnt see it was a status code 550 instead of the normal status code 250. 😊

However it is still correct, that if the first CWD, LIST, RETR or STOR command issued references the IFS (Integrated File System), the i5/OS FTP server automatically switches from NAMEFMT 0 to NAMEFMT 1.

The two examples below show the difference between CD'ing to an existing directory and a non-existing directory on an iSeries with i5/OS V6R1M0. So levi's problem must be that some part of the '/reports/branch304/20091014' path does not exist.

Switching to an existing directory:
[C:\Temp]ftp 192.168.140.xx
Connected to 192.168.140.xx.
220-QTCP at
220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes.
User (192.168.140.xx:(none)): dswxxx
331 Enter password.
230 DSWXXX logged on.
ftp> QUOT CWD /tmp
250-NAMEFMT set to 1.
250 "/tmp" is current directory.

Switching to a non-existing directory:
[C:\Temp]ftp 192.168.140.xx
Connected to 192.168.140.xx.
220-QTCP at
220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes.
User (192.168.140.xx:(none)): dswxxx
331 Enter password.
230 DSWXXX logged on.
ftp> QUOT CWD /temp
550-NAMEFMT set to 1.
550-Specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.
550 Working directory not changed.

Best regards - and keep up the good work
Ernst Mikkelsen
Trifork A/S
Hi Henrik,

You were correct, the folder did not exist as I wasn't able to VPN into my desk I couldn't see if the folder was actually there.

Sorry for any troubles :)

levi wrote:

Hi Henrik,

You were correct, the folder did not exist as I wasn't able to VPN into my desk I couldn't see if the folder was actually there.

Sorry for any troubles :)

No problem, actually we will soon add a built in ftp browser so you can easier test and see things.
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