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We use VisualCron on a shared server for multiple business groups. I'd like to be able to segregate permissions to the various groups enabling user 1 to administer jobs in groups 1 and 2, but only view jobs in groups 3 and 4. In addition, allow business user 2 to be able to view and manually execute jobs in group 2, but no permissions to other groups. This minimize risks of someone inadvertently changing/executing jobs outside of their domain or responsibility.
Forum information
Originally Posted by: wiseguy001 

We use VisualCron on a shared server for multiple business groups. I'd like to be able to segregate permissions to the various groups enabling user 1 to administer jobs in groups 1 and 2, but only view jobs in groups 3 and 4. In addition, allow business user 2 to be able to view and manually execute jobs in group 2, but no permissions to other groups. This minimize risks of someone inadvertently changing/executing jobs outside of their domain or responsibility.


This would be great.
Originally Posted by: wiseguy001 

We use VisualCron on a shared server for multiple business groups. I'd like to be able to segregate permissions to the various groups enabling user 1 to administer jobs in groups 1 and 2, but only view jobs in groups 3 and 4. In addition, allow business user 2 to be able to view and manually execute jobs in group 2, but no permissions to other groups. This minimize risks of someone inadvertently changing/executing jobs outside of their domain or responsibility.


great, like to have this
Was this ever addressed? Would love to see this feature. Set up like NTFS would be spectacular!
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