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Please add an option to trigger on existing files when a job/trigger is activate. This is need for when the VisualCron server is rebooted or after maintenance is performed on the server.
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Hakan Naslund
Hakan Naslund
The same problem occurs when a trigger comes back from a retry state...

Since we can configure "on error reconnect" parameters on a trigger, the trigger obviously knows when it's in a retry state...

Why not add a check box for "Fire trigger upon successful retry", that is fire the trigger when it switches from retry state to normal state. This would make the trigger catch up on files that were created during for example a communication issue.
Originally Posted by: Hakan Naslund 

The same problem occurs when a trigger comes back from a retry state...

Since we can configure "on error reconnect" parameters on a trigger, the trigger obviously knows when it's in a retry state...

Why not add a check box for "Fire trigger upon successful retry", that is fire the trigger when it switches from retry state to normal state. This would make the trigger catch up on files that were created during for example a communication issue.

It does Trigger on succesful retry. As long at is within the criteria you have set for number of retries and retry interval.
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