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J Haas
I am trying to automate the export of jobs and other dependent objects for use within our automated deployment. I see the Server class supports a "RaiseImportExportProgress" method, which does fire the appropriate event, but nothing ever comes through the Progress object. Is this type of functionality currently supported within 7.7.8?
Forum information
Sorry for the late reply. Here is from the test project:

 if (s != null)
                if (s.Connected)
                    ExportImportProgressClass eip = new ExportImportProgressClass();
                    //eip.UseDefaultFile = true; // saves to default backup folder in program files/VisualCron/backup/
                    eip.UseDefaultFile = false; // file will not be saved but instead you will retrieve eip.File which is a byte array you can save to file
                    eip.IncludeAllCertificates = true;
                    //eip.CertificatesObjects = s.Certificates.GetAll(); // include any CertificateClass you want to export
                    eip.IncludeAllConditions = true;
                    //eip.ConditionsObjects = s.Conditions.GetAll(); // include any ConditionSetClass you want to export
                    eip.IncludeAllConnections = true;
                    eip.IncludeAllCredentials = true;
                    eip.IncludeAllExitCodes = true;
                    eip.IncludeAllNetworkDrives = true;
                    eip.IncludeAllNotifications = true;
                    eip.IncludeAllPermissions = true;
                    eip.IncludeAllPGPKeyRings = true;
                    eip.IncludeAllServerSettings = true;
                    eip.IncludeAllTimeExceptions = true;
                    eip.IncludeAllUserGroups = true;
                    eip.IncludeAllVariables = true;
                    //eip.IncludeAllJobs = true;
                    eip.IncludeAllJobs = false;
                    eip.JobObjects = s.Jobs.GetAll(); // add any Job classes you want to export

                    ExportSettingsResponseClass esrc = s.ExportSettings(eip);
                    if (esrc.Success && esrc.FileBytes!=null)
                        if (!eip.UseDefaultFile)
                            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("c:/", esrc.FileBytes);

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I'm running into issues using this example code. I am attempting to only export specific jobs. When using the eip.JobObjects variable and passing JobClasses I am getting null for the esrc.FileBytes value even when I use the Jobs.GetAll() to pass all of them. However I am able to receive an output when using the eip.IncludeAllJobs = true value. The commented sections in the below code are my attempts to pass only specific jobs to no avail. Thanks for any help!

if (s.Connected)
                    Console.WriteLine("Connected to Server");

                    ExportImportProgressClass eip = new ExportImportProgressClass();
                    eip.UseDefaultFile = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllCertificates = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllConditions = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllConnections = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllCredentials = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllExitCodes = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllNetworkDrives = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllNotifications = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllPermissions = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllPGPKeyRings = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllServerSettings = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllTimeExceptions = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllUserGroups = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllVariables = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllJobs = false;

                    /*var jobs = (from j in s.Jobs.GetAll()
                    where j.Group == "WD Standard"
                    select j.Name).ToList();*/

                    //eip.Jobs = jobs;
                    //eip.JobObjects = s.Jobs.GetAll().Where(item => item.Group == "WD Standard").ToList();
                    eip.JobObjects = s.Jobs.GetAll();

                    ExportSettingsResponseClass esrc = s.ExportSettings(eip);

                    if (esrc.Success && esrc.FileBytes != null)
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:/Temp/", esrc.FileBytes);


Originally Posted by: rst3b 

I'm running into issues using this example code. I am attempting to only export specific jobs. When using the eip.JobObjects variable and passing JobClasses I am getting null for the esrc.FileBytes value even when I use the Jobs.GetAll() to pass all of them. However I am able to receive an output when using the eip.IncludeAllJobs = true value. The commented sections in the below code are my attempts to pass only specific jobs to no avail. Thanks for any help!

if (s.Connected)
                    Console.WriteLine("Connected to Server");

                    ExportImportProgressClass eip = new ExportImportProgressClass();
                    eip.UseDefaultFile = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllCertificates = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllConditions = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllConnections = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllCredentials = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllExitCodes = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllNetworkDrives = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllNotifications = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllPermissions = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllPGPKeyRings = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllServerSettings = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllTimeExceptions = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllUserGroups = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllVariables = false;
                    eip.IncludeAllJobs = false;

                    /*var jobs = (from j in s.Jobs.GetAll()
                    where j.Group == "WD Standard"
                    select j.Name).ToList();*/

                    //eip.Jobs = jobs;
                    //eip.JobObjects = s.Jobs.GetAll().Where(item => item.Group == "WD Standard").ToList();
                    eip.JobObjects = s.Jobs.GetAll();

                    ExportSettingsResponseClass esrc = s.ExportSettings(eip);

                    if (esrc.Success && esrc.FileBytes != null)
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:/Temp/", esrc.FileBytes);



Hi, you should use

        Dim eip As New ExportImportProgressClass
        If Not eip.IncludeAllJobs Then
            eip.Jobs = ' the Job id's you want to export
        End If

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Thanks that got me where I needed to go.!
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