I am using VCRON to decrypt & rename files. The issue I am running into is when a client sends us a file that includes a time stamp.
Example: PQ.g1845.PSF.ELIG.a1.dt090414221608.pgp
The date and time stamp change each time the cleint sends the file. So I formated the job to find the file PQ.g1845.PSF.ELIG.a1.dt{DATEFORMAT(yyMMddhhmmss)}.pgp and rename to 1845ELIG_{DATEFORMAT(yyyyMMdd)}.txt the job fails stating it could not find the file. I have tried all kinds of variations all with the same result. I know the issue is the time stamp because I have no issues with files that have dates only. What do I need to do to make this work? Thanks, Eileen 😕
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