Post pics of the connection you are trying. What type of mail server do you have?
icewarp is our mail server.
There isn't much an image would do here. I use the same username I use for a local ColdFsuion server I'm running and that connects correctly.
The userName is just a name without @ or domain
u: cdougall
p: xxx
Port 25
No SSL or encryption as it's an internal server
It finds the server, it just can't authenticate...
Exception in Task: User authentication failed: Unaccepted server reply for command dXNlcm5hbWU9ImNkb3VnYWxsIiwgcmVhbG09ImNmZ3Y5LmNvbSIsIG5vbmNlPSJaREE0TWpkbE9HVTRZamhqIiwgZGlnZXN0LXVyaT0ic210cC8xNjUuNzkuMjM4LjEwMCIsIHFvcD1hdXRoLCBjbm9uY2U9ImJkYjVlNWM5IiwgbmM9MDAwMDAwMDEsIHJlc3BvbnNlPWRiOTRhYjQ1N2UwNjliMjc5MWI2ODI0ZTgxNjc2MzZj (error code is 535) (error code is 535)