hi, I have a VisualCron job that was setup over a year ago, it runs about once a week and completes without errors 95% of the time. Recently we changed the processing location from a XP machine to a Win7 machine and since it has been having issues.
The VisualCron job is trigged by putting a zip file in a specified directory. The first task in the job unzips the file to a unc network folder after the extract completes other things should happen.
The extract task does extracts all the files to the correct location but it exits with an error so the rest of the tasks don't run. The error suggests that one of the files that it has extracted is being used by another process.
We are using Version 7.1.6 on MS Server 2003
Error Log:
Exception in Task: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file '\\xxxservernamexxx\TEMP\xxxfilenamexxx.xml' because it is being used by another process.
at SevenZip.SevenZipBase.ThrowException(CallbackBase handler, Exception[] e)
at SevenZip.SevenZipBase.CheckedExecute(Int32 hresult, String message, CallbackBase handler)
at SevenZip.SevenZipExtractor.ExtractArchive(String directory)
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