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Hi all !

We would like to have currently 3 enhancements:

1. Currently, the security of the jobs are managed by AD user and not AD group.
We would like to manage it with AD groups due to lot of account which must be added to manage VisualCron in our infrastructure.

This request is the same as rainhailrob (AD Group instead of individual users).

2. Some of our jobs are linked to an application.
In this way, we would like to have a custom field (which can be used to filter) which will contain the name of the application (currently we use the description field to add this information but).

3. When we are on VisualCron interface, the first sort is done with servers.
But we would like to remove this sort and view all jobs with the same group name over servers.
Indeed, we have some applications which are deployed over many servers (A and 😎.

If you need more information or details, let me know
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Hi !

Do you have any idea of when you can implement the first enhancement please?
Indeed, it is very difficult to manage the security easily.
We use copy/paste users.xml file across all our servers.

Many tanks,
You cannot control from AD now but you have Group permissions since some versions. So you only need to change the VisualCron group - not user.
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Thanks for your feedback
But the problem is that there are many changes in our organization (all the time ue to contractor).
So when a new person comes, we must :
Add him in the AD group (the logon group is done with group, this is perfect )
Add him in the “User permissions” screen to add him in the right VisualCron group
Do it on every servers…(we have an unlimited servers license so it is not easy to do it…)

If you can add the possibility to add AD group in User Permission, this will permit to limit the action by adding him in the right AD group.

Is it really not possible to add this enhancement or schedule this one please?

Kind regards,
Hi Support,

Sorry, but could you study the possibility to add AD group in User Permission, this will permit to limit the actions by adding him in the right AD group.

To remember:
When a new person comes, we must :
Add him in the AD group (the logon group is done with group, this is perfect)
Add him in the “User permissions” screen to add him in the right VisualCron group
Do it on every servers…(we have an unlimited servers license so it is not easy to do it…)
So we would like that we can add an AD groupe in User Permission

Many thanks,

Kind regards,
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