We recently completed an upgrade to Visual Cron version 6.1.2. The following are some of our upgrade findings:
Finding: Change, "Zip" or "Archive" does not dynamically create a new folder on the fly
Interim Solution: Add an extra task to create the folder and adjust OnError settings to ignore Folder Already Exists when appropriate
Finding: Task Notifications not always fired (seems to occur when tasks run quickly)
Example We have a task notification that writes to a file. In one job the notification skipped task 9 and 10 notifications **** 2012-08-01 15:56:11 PM Task 8: …**** 2012-08-01 15:56:12 PM Task 11: …
Interim Solution: ???
Finding: When reordering tasks on jobs with 100+ items manually editing task order causes conflicts
Example reorder task 201 by typing 182; tasks 1 and 18 are duplicated, tasks 2 and 19 missing
Potential Solution: do not reorder while user types, rather require secondary action like button click to cause reorder
Finding: Reordering tasks on jobs with a large number of tasks takes a noteable amount of time
Potential Solution: Use a different .NET method for task ordering