How would you like it to work?
I think we need to agree on that Conditions are complex in properties and we will never be able to create a one line condition unless we define, in the Condition that if result is that, then return true, else false.
For example, when checking for if a process is running or not on a remote computer we need all properties and actually define it in a Condition. Then define if it should return true or false. We will probably never be able to just write:
IF Process.IsRunning("test") THEN - because Conditions will always be more complex like that.
From what I understand you are willing to use existing Conditions but you want a local instead a global one. Then you might also be willing to skip Condition set (the group of Conditions) and just compare single Conditions.
If this was accomplished it would be interesting:
1. how would the designer look for creating these flows
2. will main listing of Jobs and Tasks be affected or will this just be listed somewhere else.
Bear in mind that the more things we add to main window the slower performance will be as we always strive for realtime update of all values. Also, the interface will be cluttered if we moved condition evaluations to the main screen.
We are open to suggestions and ideas!