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When I try to restart VisualCron service I get the following and the server does not start... What could be the issue?

2/16/2012 1:36:45 PM Debug Startup finished
2/16/2012 1:36:45 PM Debug Starting IPC server.
2/16/2012 1:36:45 PM Debug Server certificate read
2/16/2012 1:36:45 PM Debug VisualCron - Server starting on port: 16444
2/16/2012 1:36:45 PM Info Starting IPV4 listener
2/16/2012 1:36:45 PM Err Could not start socket server, please shut down all processes previously started by VisualCron, error details: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
Forum information
Which version are you running?

Check if you have any processes still running from Execute Tasks in the Task manager. Kill those and restart the service.
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I am running 6.0.6.

We do have a lot to "execute" tasks. It may have to do with when the task times out or something. As you suggested, I will try to watch out for more information under the "Task Manager" when it happens and let you know.
Okay.. I think I figured it out but I am not sure how to solve it.

Recently I added a job/execute task that calls "Axway Client" (command line). This is a vendor requirement and I can't make a connection any other way. That program spawns java.exe. 

I run VisualCron using a "special user". When I view in Task Manager, I see the "special user" associated with VisualCronService.exe and java.exe. Then I restart VisualCron and it hangs. I kill java.exe and restart again and all is good.

What are my options here?

Originally Posted by: matrixIII 

Okay.. I think I figured it out but I am not sure how to solve it.

Recently I added a job/execute task that calls "Axway Client" (command line). This is a vendor requirement and I can't make a connection any other way. That program spawns java.exe. 

I run VisualCron using a "special user". When I view in Task Manager, I see the "special user" associated with VisualCronService.exe and java.exe. Then I restart VisualCron and it hangs. I kill java.exe and restart again and all is good.

What are my options here?


The problem is that VisualCron is the parent process. You could try this:

Option 1: Create a batch file which you run through VisualCron that launches the Java
Option 2: Try to launch it with "Use shell Execute"
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ok I attempted to start java.exe at system boot so the task wont cause it to start another one. It takes a few parameters to start which I don't know. I also attempted the bat file method using shell execute which didn't work because I need to capture the output and the task must run as the "special user" because of certificates.

I just ended up adding a "kill" java.exe task after the current task. Not the best solution but it works for now.

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