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  •  rreed
  • No customer Topic Starter
We're migrating from an old server to a new one, same version of VC on both machines (5.7.8). Old server is Win2k3 32-bit, new server is Win2k8 w/ VC forced to run in 32-bit mode.

We export the public and private keys (keyring) w/ a very well know password and try to import them into VC on the new server. We try to decrypt a file we know to be encrypted w/ the same key and get "PGP File decryption error: No appropriate OpenPGP secret key for decryption found."

Please help? We've been able to migrate from Win2k3 to Win2k3 w/o issue in the past, the only thing different this time around is Win2k8 server.
Forum information
Are you saying that you export your keys (in original format) or that you export the settings (the PGP key rings)?
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  •  rreed
  • No customer Topic Starter
  •  rreed
  • No customer Topic Starter
Hi rreed,

I deleted your double post.
Instead of double posting, you could ask what the current status is of solving this issue.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
  •  rreed
  • No customer Topic Starter
what the current status is of solving this issue please?
Sorry for the late response but it was unsure if the problem was resolved in previous posts.

We did the following test with version 6.0.6.

1. We created a key ring in Windows 2003 x86
2. We created a DSA 2048 key pair
3. We encrypted a file on that server with that key pair
4. We exported by saving public and private key from the PGP key ring interface
5. We created a new key ring on Windows 2008 x64
6. We imported the files into that key ring
7. We read and decrypted the encrypted file with the new key ring successfully

We also tested to export the VisualCron keyring by choosing export on first server and import on new server. Same result.

As keys are, whether they are exported to file in pgp format or the actual key ring is exported untouched. This means that it should not matter where the file goes as the format is standard.

Most likely the password is different but we do not exclude that another error could create this message. Perhaps, if the file is not found or permissions are missing.

We suggest that you try to reproduce this with latest version. Also, create the first key in VisualCron instead of importing it. Test it on the first server first. Then export in any format you like - then import it and try on new server.
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