I am still new to VisualCron and I am having a heck of a time figuring out all the variables or hidden (cause they do not seem to be documented) values available for notifications. I am trying to send a notification email to the support team on error and I have a notification created for this and On Error checked at the job level. If I run this from the task it seems to report out the error but at the job level, I get an email with a bunch of empty strings. Can one of you assist me with this task, and maybe tell me if there is a better way of handling this?
In the Email Message Text:
Job {JOB(Active|Name)}
Ran: {JOB(Active|LastRun|M/d/yyyy h:mm tt)}
Failed On Step: {TASK(Active,Name)}
Result: "{TASK(Active,Result)}"
Last run: {TASK(Active,LastRun,M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss.ff tt)}
Last exited: {TASK(Active,LastExited,M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss.ff tt)}
Execution time: {TASK(Active,ExecutionTime)} seconds
Email Received:
Job CRA_BATCH_Import_ERA (7 PM)
Ran: 10/19/2011 5:13 PM
Failed On Step: [Task does not exist or is not selected.]
Result: "[Task does not exist or is not selected.]"
Last run: [Task does not exist or is not selected.] Last exited: [Task does not exist or is not selected.] Execution time: [Task does not exist or is not selected.] seconds
I have posted several requests for a list of built in variables (such as {TASK(Active,ExecutionTime)}) but I must be asking the wrong thing - or the list does not exist - as I have not seen any response with a list of internal functions.
Thanks in advance,