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This release contains the following changes:

[FEATURE] Client/Server: Added SQL Output settings
[BUGFIX] API/Client/Server: Fixed a problem with running a Job synchrously
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Fixed a with linefeed/carriage return in File write task and File Notificatio
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I will download this tomorrow and give it a try. 🤔

Nice to have the bugfix for the linefeed 😉
Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Downloaded this version. Here is a quick reply:

1. Right clicking on a job / task gives always the right context menu: Nice!
2. Clear button in the SQL string isn't working (I mentioned this in a different post also)
3. Tested the SQL output tab, works fine for me. Nice to have column headers in there!
4. Linefeed is indeed working in the write to file task. Nice!
5. Cannot test the bugfix with the runing jobs synchrously...

Much work is done here!

One other thing:
If I delete a variable which is in use in a task, the task fails when it runs. It cannot fiend the variable, so that's good.
If I than want to change the on error tab in this task to continue with the next task, this isn't working because I need to have an existing variable to save my changes in the task.
So now I have to create a variable, set it up in the task to use this one an than I can change the on error tab again. After these steps I can delete the variable again and the task continues after an error.

I understand that when you do a calculate task on a variable it must exists, but it's annoying when this scenario happens and you just want to continue the task on error. Don't know if you want to do anything about this. You have to have some mandatory fields in a task....


Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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