I was looking in my VC log files and was triggered by an error message regarding a condition.
I have a job with several tasks. Three tasks have output wich I use in the condition for a different task in this job.
The condition is build like this:
- output task 1 = output task 2
- output task 2 = output task 3
- output task 1 is not empty
So with these conditions alle the output should be the same and it couldn't be empty.
It is setup to continue on all matches or else exit.
With all empty outputs in the three tasks I see this error in the log file:
2/21/2011 8:13:21 AM Debug Running Condition Set: 'conditionname' for Task: taskname
2/21/2011 8:13:21 AM Err Error in JobProcess (TaskConditionCheck), ex: Array cannot be null.
Parameter name: bytes
Why is there an error here?
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Reason: Not specified
Uses Visualcron since 2006.