I am trying to send a file to a Vshell sFTP host (from Vandyke) using a VCRON SFTP task.
Initially, I tried this with a test account, and i got it to work, but now that they have set up a real account, with a folder, it doesn't. Note that since the first try, I have used the SecureFX client (from Vandyke) to login, and look at the files and folders.
This worked OK.
I got a message about a host key being stored (on my client I believe), and now the VCRON transfer does not work.
I don't have a cert, but I can generate an 'Identity' file, but this has no extension.
My ID's work with the SecureFX client, but not with VCRON.
I am using VCRON 4.6.9. VCRON reports 'Success' but no file is transfered, and no errors are logged.
Can you tell me what piece of the puzzle I am missing here ?
Thanks, Paul.