I tried to log in as an AD user into the client. Here is my feedback:
I wanted to add a AD user in the Manage server window. I tolled me to enable this feature in the settings->Logon tab.
I had to login to the client with a different user (used admin) to go to this tab.
The name of the tab is however: Users/Logon
I checked the Allow Active Directory Logon checkbox and clicked on 'Refresh lists'. The AD server was already filled in.
I found myself and checked the box in front of my name. I applied the settings.
In the 'User Permissions' I'm only able to add a AD user??? but I'm not able to add a user anymore because I have to enter a name. The only field enabled is the email address, so this isn't working at the moment.
If I edit a current local user, it is still telling me with the checkbox that it is a AD user, and I'm not able to change anything but the email address. Not the way it should be.
Now I wanted to add a user in the manage servers window, so I went there and added a Active Directory Logon. The username 'admin' is showing up in grey, and after adding this it looks like I have two admin users in the list. Cant see that one is for AD, and the 2nd username 'admin' isn't true.
I could login with the AD credentials and created a job. The 'Created By' username was empty. My Firt and Lastname are not filled in the AD for this user. You might want to put here the Username instead. This one is filled always.
Now if I go back to the User Permissions, there is an extra user permission. It's an empty line here.?? I think this is the one for the AD, but the GUI is handling it the same as before, only the field email address is active. I can however change permissions without having the message that I need to enter a name. If I change permissions here I can see they are working for the AD user.
This might not be an AD issue, but when I delete the user which I currently use in the client, I cannot disconnect myself anymore. The button is disabled due to the fact the user isn't there anymore.
If I delete the AD user in the 'Manage Servers' GUI, the empty line in the 'User Permissions' GUI is still there.
When I login with the AD user, I want to see my username in client. In the client one level higher than the jobs, you van see 'localhost - username'. This username should be the logged on AD username.
What might be an issue is that every logged on AD user has the same rights. This might be something to look at.
So, I an able to login with an AD user!
There are some things that need to be changed:
The GUI 'User Permissions' isn't working properly.
The Username in the GUI 'Manage Servers' should be something like [AD USER]. This name should match the name in the 'User Permissions' GUI.
The popup telling you the tab-name where to allow AD logon is not giving the right name.
I like the (default) role based setup. After applying a role you should be able to modify the rights. You might want to go for a different role, or a custom one. You can also use this for all the local users in VC. Than everything is role based. It is easy to clone a user, so rights are the same, but when you want to change rights for a few people, roles are easier.
Hope I tested it well and you can go on developing this.
Uses Visualcron since 2006.