We would also like to have reports.
When it comes to using email for the reporting, the problem with that is we have lots of jobs, and we're planning to set up lots and lots more. The preferred report would include information on all jobs on a particular server, and without formatting into something such as a spreadsheet, it wouldn't be easy to work with. And even using variables, I'm not sure how the report would work if I want to select all jobs on the server - that seems like I would have go through and set up each job and task for the report, wouldn't it? If so, that would be quite extensive, and if it has to be done manually, there would always be the danger that something has been overlooked - it's not static, we're frequently adding new jobs.
Aside from that issue, what might be useful would be to send the information, in place of an email, to a file that could be exported into another format, such as a spreadsheet, or something else that might work well with being able to examine what is configured.
What would be really nice, is to be able to set up different kinds of queries to base a report on. For example, sometimes we encounter a problem with a particular job configuration, and we want to find all of the jobs on the server with the same configuration so that we can make the same change to it. Right now, we have to look at every job that might be the same, rather than being able to quickly identify the jobs that are the same. Even nicer, would be able to do the query, then from the query list, be able to make the change either to each job individually, where necessary, or to all at once, where practicable.