We use sql schemas extensively for our tables and SPs, the VisualCRON SQL task appears to be able to retrieve the list of SPs which are qualified by a schema, but it does not show the schema prefix in the dropdown. VisualCRON is also unable to execute the SP it has identified.
eg. we use the schema [AT] to prefix our airtime tables and SPs instead of the default [dbo] schema
and i am trying to execute the [AT].[ImportStock] SP which it lists as ImportStock;1 in the drop down (presumable the ;1 refers to the number of parameters the sp accepts.
The sql profiler shows the sp invoke as ..
exec ImportStock;1 N'CellC::32143452353654'
which causes the following output to be reported by VC
Error in task sql: Could not find stored procedure 'ImportStock'.
We can work around this with wrapper SP's, but it would be nice if this could be fixed.