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I have a file named 5911MTA*.dat.
I'd like to rename the file by removing 5911.
The new file would then be called MTA*.dat

I've searched the variables to find out how to do this, but I can't. I'm not sure what to do.
If you have a solution, I'd be delighted to take it.

Best regards,
Forum information
Robert Pressley
I have used the Rename File task to do this, under Rename settings tab, you can use:


So basically, you add your old or current file name, then on the right hand side of the pipe, give the new file name. In my case above, I am appending a date stamp to the old file name. You can also apply this same principle to other tasks, not just the rename file task. Also, I think there is an example in the documentation.

Hope this helps.
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