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I'm writing you in the hopes of getting a job permissions enhancement on your development board. I have a large team and many VisualCron servers setup in 3 environments (dev, test and production).

Everyone is given creator access in development, but I have a small team responsible for migrating changes throughout our environments. Think of them as a small devops team.

Any authenticated user in the main team, who are not part of this devops team, only have READ and EXECUTE permissions in the TEST and PRODUCTION environments. The enhancement I'm looking for is a special change that would allow for a team member conducting support off-hours, for example at 3:00 am, to be able to disable a problematic job or a problematic task so that it can be reviewed during office hours.

With the way permissions are setup, READ and EXECUTE will not facilitate this need. It then requires that I leave the permissions wide open, or keep my devops team on-call 24/7, which is undesirable.

Thank you!
Forum information
You may need to send that suggestion to the support email so that it can be less useful to everyone else; that's been their policy since the acquisition.

Possible workaround in the meantime: a job that exercises the interactivity tools and the API to take a job ID as input and disable it.

You could probably use an email or slack trigger to similar effect, but unless you either already had some things set up to use those kinds of triggers, or needed to make this possible for people who might not be able to connect using the client at the time, they might not offer any useful benefit over the interactive prompt.
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