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Seatta Ball
We have 9.9.10 on one server, and 9.9.9 on another, and in both versions the client become unresponsive when trying to go into any of the settings for email tasks (click on Main setting, Conditions, Email - Send, On error, TimeOut, Flow). The user then has to user Task Manager to stop the client or eventually receive the error handler with the following error details:

Client version: 9.9.10
Server version: 9.9.10
System.Exception: Failed to start image manager
at EO.Internal.oitu.iuss.bmgq()
at EO.Internal.oitu.iuss.bmgo()
at EO.Internal.oitu.iuss.bmgy()
at EO.Internal.oiud.imqx(Action nse)
at EO.Internal.oitu.uhqk(Boolean& nlj, Type[] nlk, String nll, String nlm)
at EO.Internal.oitu.bgsm(Type[] nlg, String nlh, String nli)
at EO.Internal.sihl.ddue()
at EO.Internal.oipj.imqx(Action lue)
at EO.WebEngine.Engine.Start(WindowsIdentity user)
at EO.Internal.trdq..ctor(WebView ip)
at EO.WebBrowser.WebView.wjvz()
at EO.WebBrowser.WebView.wjvz(IntPtr q, Boolean r)
at EO.WinForm.WebViewHost.njbb(Object l)

is anyone else having these issues?
Forum information
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: Seatta Ball 

We have 9.9.10 on one server, and 9.9.9 on another, and in both versions the client become unresponsive when trying to go into any of the settings for email tasks (click on Main setting, Conditions, Email - Send, On error, TimeOut, Flow). The user then has to user Task Manager to stop the client or eventually receive the error handler with the following error details:

Client version: 9.9.10
Server version: 9.9.10
System.Exception: Failed to start image manager
at EO.Internal.oitu.iuss.bmgq()
at EO.Internal.oitu.iuss.bmgo()
at EO.Internal.oitu.iuss.bmgy()
at EO.Internal.oiud.imqx(Action nse)
at EO.Internal.oitu.uhqk(Boolean& nlj, Type[] nlk, String nll, String nlm)
at EO.Internal.oitu.bgsm(Type[] nlg, String nlh, String nli)
at EO.Internal.sihl.ddue()
at EO.Internal.oipj.imqx(Action lue)
at EO.WebEngine.Engine.Start(WindowsIdentity user)
at EO.Internal.trdq..ctor(WebView ip)
at EO.WebBrowser.WebView.wjvz()
at EO.WebBrowser.WebView.wjvz(IntPtr q, Boolean r)
at EO.WinForm.WebViewHost.njbb(Object l)

is anyone else having these issues?

Hi Seatta,

Do you have the same issue in the latest 9.9.12? And if you do - can you delete the email task and create a new one and still reproduce the error?
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