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i am trying to send messages in a Teams Channel.

I configuerd like descriped in the docomention, and authentication in the connection settings works. But if a make a task for sending channel messages it fails to retriev teams or channels, and brings an Error Message with an "Unknown Errror".

If i type in the team and channel myself, the task fails also with an unknown error. Maybe there are premissions missing?

I have granted the following premissions in Azure AD.


Forum information
Originally Posted by: Caliban 


i am trying to send messages in a Teams Channel.

I configuerd like descriped in the docomention, and authentication in the connection settings works. But if a make a task for sending channel messages it fails to retriev teams or channels, and brings an Error Message with an "Unknown Errror".

If i type in the team and channel myself, the task fails also with an unknown error. Maybe there are premissions missing?

I have granted the following premissions in Azure AD.


Hi Caliban,

Apologize for the long wait time for this response. Please send us an email to as soon as you can with a description of this issue/referring to this forum post. We will most likely require more information from you, and email will always be much faster than forum responses currently.


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