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Javeed M Shaikh
Hi Visual Cron team,

Hope you are doing well.

We need to know if there is a way we can setup an email trigger at Server level to watch all our jobs, if there is any job that is running more than x mins we need an email notification to be triggered and it should send this trigger should run every 15 mins (so every 15 mins we will get an email giving us list of Jobs/Task that is running more than x mins)?

Currently we have setup this at individual job level to send a notification is it runs more than x mins, but it just triggers once and if the job is stuck or still running it will not indicate or send reminders every x mins to check and resolve the issue.

We have about 200+ jobs so manually going and setting up triggers is a lot of work so need to know if there is something at the server level we can do?

Thanks, and Regards,
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