I'm having problem to copy files between 2 servers.
I have created an "Execute" task to execute a batch file on a local server.
This batch file calls the psexec command
psexec.exe \\IPserver -u Domain\User -p password D:\Cubes\BAT\RemoteBackupCubes.bat %1
On the other server I have the RemoteBackupCubes.bat
cd \
cd Cubes
copy %1*.abc d:\cubes\old\
copy %1*.def d:\cubes\old\
copy %1*.ghi d:\cubes\old\
copy %1*.log d:\cubes\old\
del %1*.log
Sometimes the task works well and sometimes not.
When the task doesn't work, I receive this message:
Arithmetic Operation Resulted in an overflow.
What can I do? Is there a sugestion to copy files remotely?
I've tried use the "Remote execute" but I'm receiving this error:
Unhandled Exception in task: The object exporter specified was not found
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070776)
Best Regards,