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Because of our multiple servers we are using a previous version 5.6.0. I have 40 jobs for just one of our applications and we are having difficulty moving jobs between environments such as TEST, QA, UAT, PROD. I am trying to come up with the most efficient method of moving jobs, some of our jobs have 40 or more steps. I tried exporting and importing then tried cloning between servers/environments and always have the same error. The job looks like it recreated but when I try to edit a task, VC client crashes and sends off the error report.

Anyone else have this experience or know if there is a fix or patch for this issue? Maybe a better way to move jobs between environments? I have not found the documentation very helpful and I am still somewhat new to VisualCron.

Thanks in advance,

Derek Randles
Forum information
Hi drandles,

Welcome to the forum!

What you can do (if the Visualcron versions are the same) is connect to multiple servers with one client.
Than you can copy/paste whole jobs between servers.
In the context menu of the job, there is a 'copy job' and 'paste job' option.

Also, please post the error message in this forum.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Originally Posted by: ErikC 

Hi drandles,

Welcome to the forum!

What you can do (if the Visualcron versions are the same) is connect to multiple servers with one client.
Than you can copy/paste whole jobs between servers.
In the context menu of the job, there is a 'copy job' and 'paste job' option.

Also, please post the error message in this forum.


Erik, thanks for the response. When cloning the entire job my Visual Cron client would crash when trying to edit a cloned task. I do not have a screen print.

Today I created an empty job on the new server and then cloned the tasks one at a time by dragging them across. I lost my connection and credential details but that is not difficult to set. This approach seems to work. I am still working through the implementation issues but this helps.

Thanks for your quick response, still getting used to the tool and trying to do with VC what we currently do with SSIS.
Hi drandles,

What you can check is the log files of Visualcron.
There might be some entries in there why Visualcron is crashing.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Originally Posted by: ErikC 

Hi drandles,

What you can check is the log files of Visualcron.
There might be some entries in there why Visualcron is crashing.


Erik, I do not see any mention of the crash in the log files on either the client (my desktop) or in the server log files. Thanks for the suggestion,

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