I'm trying to log errors in a MySQL database, but I have a problem with the use of {STRING(Replace,... with the StdErr variable.
I'm using it to double the single quotes.
Here is a working function (I also tried with log to file notification):
{STRING(Replace,hel'lo,','')}Which displays hel''lo
And here a function which is not working when my task returns an error (from a vbs script)
{STRING(Replace,{TASK(Active,StdErr)},','')}It says "Error in argument" instead of displaying the error message.
I think it can be an encoding error of StdErr because in the VisualCron client, the french characters are written with small squares.
C:\TEMP\test.vbs(2, 1) Erreur d'ex�cution Microsoft VBScript: Division par z�ro
I changed the encoding in the Main Settings of the task from utf-8 to iso8859-1 ou windows-1250 whithout success.
Do you have any idea on how to solve this problem ?
Thanks for your help,
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