We found a way to reproduce the problem. However, in our VirtualBox environment it just locks up but we guess this is the same as the bluescreen you saw.
We did a reinstall of our Windows 2008R2 environment (which we could not reproduce the problem in before) and installed all updates. It was in this reinstall we could reproduce the problem.
We first tried the latest official version and it hanged within 10-20 minutes - sometimes earlier. Then we tried the version 5.7.6-2 which we uploaded as attachment here. This version has now ran for about 1 hour without any hanging.
We will update the result later but it seems like we have found the issue.
If this is the issue the history is that we had a way to kill processes once. Then a customer found that, if a process (for example .bat-file) is spawning child processes, the child processes are were not killed. What we did then was to extract the child processes and issued a kill on those as well. This version has been running for about a year and we do not know why it causes an issue in this case. In 5.7.6-2, killing of child processes is turned off. If this is the cause, we will make this "killing of childprocesses" optional.
In your case, after examining logs, we never found that any child processes were spawned. Also, what was strange that the crash could come up anytime and did not occur "within" VisualCron as we could not capture any unhandled exception. It is almost impossible for a .NET application to cause a blue screen. But, if we examine exactly what we do (and what causes things to go wrong) is that we query the WMI. A Windows "database" for information. We make a query for child processes for a specific process. While .NET has an abstract layer for this we assume that something goes terribly wrong in the core of WMI. Perhaps it gets overloaded, perhaps it is broken - we don't know yet.
As we said we will update with result later but we really would appreciate if you tested this one more time.
[EDIT] It has now been running without problems for 8.5 hours and we are closing the virtual server for today.
Edited by user
Reason: Not specified