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I have a "notify on start" notification, it is a SQL Notification, credential = No credential (but the connection string includes a SQL user & pw). I get an error when I run a stored procedure with an OUTPUT parameter.

The error I get (from the Log) is: Error at SQL notification: String[0]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0.

I do not get this error if I run a stored procedure with only "normal" input parameters. I only get this error when I add an OUTPUT parameter.

One point of confusion for me is where this OUTPUT parameter goes. I would like to assign this to a variable and then use that value later. More specifically, when the task starts I want to call a stored procedure called StartTask, I pass StartTask a JobName and get back a JobId. Then I have another stored procedure called EndTask, I pass EndTask the JobId. I have simplified things a bit here for the sake of discussion.

I am asking this question because we are evaluating VisualCron with the plan to purchase an Enterprise license.

Thank you,
Forum information
You can't store output that way. Use a SQL Task instead where output is, by default, stored in output Variable of the Task. Then you can use the output wherever you want. Please let me know if you get problems with the SQL Task.
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Ok, I have tried adding a SQL task to my Job. On the SQL tab I have setup my parameters, one input, and one output. The output one requires me to enter a valid integer, even though I am expecting to get one back, not provide one. Also, there is nowhere for me to map that output to a variable. Does VisualCron not work with output parameters?

Hi again,

in your case, you should not use the Output parameter at all. Only input parameters. When using the Task you don't have to do anything more - the output is automatically stored. You can try this by running the Task. Then open Manage Variables. Browse the VisualCron Variables until you reach your Task->Output and you will see the result. This Variable can later be used anywhere in VisualCron. Please let us know if you need further assistance and we can show you through a screen sharing program.
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Support wrote:

in your case, you should not use the Output parameter at all.

Thank you for your help. We were have been able to get things working. I'm surprised you have an OUTPUT direction option for the stored procedures if it does not work. Regardless, I was able to get it to work using the output of the previous task. I've done this twice, for two different stored procedures that both return SQL Server Integers. In a following task I need to pass this Integer back into another stored procedure. When I put the Variable Key into the stored procedure parameter I receive errors saying that my Variable Key is not an Integer.

In the first case I was able to get it to work by specifying an IUnknown. In the second case I could not get it to work with any of the integers and I ultimately had to create a new stored procedure that accepts a varchar as a parameter. Any advice?

I see. We are validating the value when submitting the value. We can both create a checkbox if the Variable should be validated now and also evaluate the underlying value as well. We will fix this for the next version.
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The latest version has this checkbox so you can submit user variables.
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