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  •  ErikC
  • Free support Topic Starter

I was looking at the Visualcron (log_serverxxx.log) log files and I saw some flaws in there.

Sometimes the date isn't parsed right (4th line):

2/21/2011 12:31:48 AM	Info	Job completed: ...
2/21/2011 12:31:48 AM	Info	Job completed: ...
2/21/2011 12:31:48 AM	Info	Job completed: ...
011 12:31:48 AM	Info	Job completed: ...
2/21/2011 12:31:48 AM	Info	Job completed: ...
2/21/2011 12:31:48 AM	Debug	Saving Jobs
2/21/2011 12:32:00 AM	Info	Job started: ...

Here is an extra ) on a the 4th line. (Could be different characters, or more than one):
2/21/2011 1:37:01 AM	Info	Task completed: ...
2/21/2011 1:37:01 AM	Info	Task completed: ...
2/21/2011 1:37:01 AM	Info	Task completed: ...
2/21/2011 1:37:01 AM	Info	Task completed: ...
2/21/2011 1:37:01 AM	Info	Task completed: ...
2/21/2011 1:37:01 AM	Info	Task started: ...

and sometimes there is strange output on several lines. These lines contains code from a file notification on this task:
2/21/2011 3:02:05 AM	Info	Task completed: ...
2/21/2011 3:02:05 AM	Debug	Running File Notification: ...
2/21/2011 3:02:05 AM	Info	Job completed: ...
2/21/2011 3:02:18 AM	Info	Task completed: ...
werk modificaties
VertrekkendeClien2/21/2011 3:02:18 AM	Info	Task completed: ...
2/21/2011 3:02:18 AM	Info	Task completed: ...
2/21/2011 3:02:18 AM	Info	Task completed: ...
2/21/2011 3:02:18 AM	Info	Task started: ...

It's not that all these flaws happen when a specific job runs. They are random in the log file.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Forum information
I've noticed (and reported) issues in the log file in the past, as well. Some of the entries get truncated, or duplicated, or (if I remember correctly) not in the right order. I suspect a multithreading issue. It mattered when I was debugging jobs that had timing issues, but since I found the usual solution to those issues is to add a condition to wait for the previous task to finish, I haven't really had much occasion to look at the logs lately.

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