I have three SSL connections whitin VisualCron and it works like a charm!
How to set it up?
Main settingsFTP SSL Explicit (AUTH SSL)
Name: Connectionname
Address: Ip number
Port: 21
SecurityAuthentication type: Password
username: john
Password: johnspassword :-)
CertificatesUse client certificate
file: the file is a pfx file
password: password of the cetrificate
Auto-accept all server sertificates
After the connetion is made, other ports are used to communicate in a high range.
I'm also going through a proxy and firewall. They are setup so that this connection doesn't have any blocks.
You are telling that you use a key instead of a certificate. I see that only SFTP SSH can use a key file. You're sure you have a key file not a certificate?
Hope this helped you out.
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Uses Visualcron since 2006.