What about a
Manage Text File task.
You can use this task to append lines to a log file, create audit trails or find / replace text.
Append Line- - Filename: Path to the file
- - Line to append: Text that will be appended to the file
Insert Line- - Filename: Path to the file
- - Insert text: Text that will be inserted
- - Line: Linenumber where the text should be inserted
Read Line- - Filename: Path to the file
- - Select:
- - - Read last line of file: Reads the last line of the text file
- - - Read line number: Reads the line number you give of the text file
- - - Read a range of lines: From line x to line y / From line x to last line / Last x numbers of lines
Delete Line- - Filename: Path to the file
- - Lines: use '-' for a rage of lines. 1-5 are the 1st 5 lines, and use a ',' to seperate the lines, so 1,3-6,9 are the lines 1,3,4,5,6 and 9
Find First Line- - Filename: Path to the file
- - Search text: text that you want to search for. 1st line that matches will be returned
- - Case sensitive: true / false, for the search text
Find All Lines- - Filename: Path to the file
- - Search text: text that you want to search for. All lines that matches will be returned
- - Case sensitive: true / false, for the search text
Find and Replace- - Filename: Path to the file
- - Search text: text that you want to search for
- - Replace text: text that will be replacing the search text
- - Case sensitive: true / false, for the search text
Uses Visualcron since 2006.