I had 2 PGP decryption tasks in 5.5.5 that were working correctly but once i installed 5.5.9 i am getting the two following errors:
PGP File decryption error: Could not find a part of the path '\\10.xxx.xxx.xx\D$\ASPData\AAA\Files\positions\Me\TBF\CPT5443T.aaaPSNFL.asc.10.05.18_02.37.txt\CPT5443T.aaaPSNFL.asc.10.05.18_02.37.txt\CPT5443T.aaaPSNFL.asc.10.05.18_02.37.txt'.
PGP File decryption error: Unexpected end of data
The first error is weird cause my output path is:
With a Destination file mask of {USERVAR(AAAMEPOSFileName)}.txt
and the value of that variable is:
So VC is looking like it is trying to append the variable 3 times when finding the directory.
The second error i am not sure what might be going on, I manually decrypt the file using a different program and the same key and it decrypts fine. Looking in the data there are no special characters other than a ~ but it has always been like this.
let me know what you think.
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