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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I was able to successfully set up and connect to a sFTP server, using an SSH private and public key. (The .ppk key was used under the public key tab, the .pub key was used under the certificates tab.)

Later, I tried to clone that connection; afterwards the public key referenced in the certificate tab would not stay in - I set up the path in the tab, save it, but that information does not stay saved - when I close and reopen the connection the certificates tab information (path and filename) for the .pub key is no longer present.

I have tried:
1) Setting it up when logged in locally to the VC server
1) Recreating the connection from scratch
2) Creating the connection on a different server
3) Creating the connection on a different version of VisualCron.

4.26 was the original version that the connection worked briefly on. I have also tried it on a 4.40 server, with the same results.

I would like to have also tried it on a 5.5 server, but the certificates option for sFTP connections does not appear to be available at all on that version????

The only way to connect to this customer FTP server is to be able to configure the connection with the .pub SSH key. I am perplexed at why it worked briefly - and was tested successfully - and now I can't get that connection to retain the "certificates" configuration, and I no longer have a working connection.

Any ideas of how to regain a working connection? The only other thing I can think of to try would be to try to restore a backup from an earlier time, to see if it would accept that setting again (not desirable since that would lose one day's work, but worth it if it is a plausible option.)
Forum information
You should try with 5.5.0. again. The Connection for SFTP have a public key property. We are only using the Certificates "grid" for FTPS connections.
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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
A property? I'm sorry, I don't see where to include the information. How would I configure VC so that this connection can use the SSH .pub file? (I do see the place to set up the SSH .ppk file, I assume that that is what is now consolidated on the tab that includes the UID/psw.) I need to be able to include both the SSH .ppk and the SSH .pub? I was able to do that in 4.26, and had a working connection, till it lost the .pub information, and won't save it when I try to update it back in.
We will get back to you on this as soon as possible. Maybe something was missed in configuration.

Is it possible that you could provide us with a test account? If so, please email
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