VisualCron Support,
We're running VisualCron 5.3.1 on this particular server. We have a job that uses a file trigger on a Samba share. It has the following settings:
Main Settings tab:
Active: checked
Run delay: greyed out, but checked
Polling interval, Check every: 300 seconds
File tab:
File mask: *.
File/Folder watch type: Created
Notify filters: File name
Include subfolders: unchecked
Use polling (Samba compatible): checked
Trigger when file has been released: checked
On error reconnect attempts: 288
On error reconnect interval (seconds): 300
Timeout tab:
Nothing checked
Expires tab:
Nothing checked
Every once in a while the trigger will automatically become unchecked on the job's "Triggers" tab. What causes this? Is it because we had 288 failed reconnect attempts in a row? With an interval of 300 seconds (5 minutes), this is a 24-hour period.