I am trying to set up some InstantMessaging tasks that dynamically sets the recipients and messages, and sends the message using Yahoo protocol. Thus far, I have the following code snippet:
JobClass job = new JobClass();
job.Name = "Instant Messaging Jobs";
var message = job.AddTask(TaskClass.TaskT.InstantMessaging);
//set the message details
message.Name = "Test Instant messaging Task";
message.InstantMessaging.Connection = "????"; //no idea what to set connection to
message.InstantMessaging.MessengerProtocolType = TaskInstantMessagingClass.MessengerProtocolT.Yahoo; //set the protocol
message.InstantMessaging.Message = "Test message";
message.InstantMessaging.RecipientId = "recipientUsername";
_server.Jobs.Add(job); //add job to server to be run
I cannot seem to understand how the InstantMessagingClass.Connection is supposed to be set. It is a string that must contain the details of the messaging server, username, and password. Also, I'm assuming InstantMessaging.RecipientId is supposed to be the recipient username, which in my case would be a Yahoo! Username.
Thanks for the help,
PS: The API Docs are incredibly poorly documented with little or no descriptions for each Class/Method. I urge you to move this up on your ToDo list.