Do you mean these DEBUG entries like the ones below?
The data after the "=" is line by line what the remotely called ssh command produces via the std output. It is the data that is shown in the first response column of the task grid in the visualcron client.
For me it looked like Visualcron has some functionality that can be set to analyse the output in order to trigger taks depending on certain patterns.
13.01.2010 07:10:07 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData = running launcher.xml with target run-OstScheduleChange-GLO-57NC
13.01.2010 07:10:07 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData = running launcher.xml with target run-OstScheduleChange-GLO-501D
13.01.2010 07:10:07 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData = running launcher.xml with target run-OstPnrMailer-GLO-1ZX
13.01.2010 07:10:09 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData = Runing FTI Schedulechange Automation... (924)
13.01.2010 07:10:09 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData =
13.01.2010 07:10:09 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData = Runing FTI Schedulechange Automation... (921)
13.01.2010 07:10:09 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData =
13.01.2010 07:10:09 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData = Runing Ostteam PNR Mailer Process... (923)
13.01.2010 07:10:09 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData =
13.01.2010 07:10:11 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData = INFO [OstScheduleChangeJob]: Ostteam Schedule Change Job success:
result info:
success: true
protocol: [process number: 86587]. 86587 --- PNRs on 57NC Q22CD count:1
13.01.2010 07:10:11 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData = INFO [OstScheduleChangeJob]: Ostteam Schedule Change Job success:
result info:
success: true
protocol: [process number: 86586]. 86586 --- PNRs on 501D Q22CD count:1
13.01.2010 07:10:11 Debug SSH (OnError) OnData = INFO [OstPnrMailerJob]: Ostteam PnrMailer Job success:
result info:
success: true
protocol: 86588
we do not need to analyse the output. If this check can be switched off it might help to solve the problem.
Regarding the performance counter:
I had this idea already some weeks ago.
One of the task in the logfile is the heartbeat task.
This job runs once a minute and calls a ssh task on a romte server which simply touches a file there.
This job takes exactly 5,5 seconds if everything is fine. Whenever it takes longer: e.g. 12 seconds we run a second task to restart the server.
This was the only way we still could use visualcron even with this problem.
Unfortunately it did not give me a clear hint om wich task was the reason for the processor load as it where always different tasks that were called right before the load went up.
We are running mainly ssh tasks, there is one file trigger task but this was added when we had the load problem already and there is one backup task to backup the VC settings daily.
One more thing regarding memory consumption:
We notice that the windwos task manager shows us a constant grow of the memory in use.
e.g.: When we restart the VC service the overall memory usage is 450MB and 6 hours later it is 1,35GB. Restarting VC servie brings it down to 450MB again. So the growing memory usage is definately related to the VC service.
Edited by user
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