Ok I can reproduce this quirky behavior with the TestClient app.
1) Add the following lines of code to btnAddExecuteJob_Click event:
Jobs.JobRemovedStatic += new Jobs.DelegateOnJobRemoved(Jobs_JobRemovedStatic);
j.RemoveAfterExecution = true;
s.Jobs.Run(j, true);
2) Add the follow method:
void Jobs_JobRemovedStatic(ref Server server, JobClass job)
3) To reproduce:
A) run the TestClient app
😎 click on "Connect remote" button
C) click on "Add Job with Execute task" button
D) after Notepad starts up close it
E) at this point the new Notepad job shows up to run in VisualCron
but it won't start running until ~60+ secs later.
Attached is the log from the test.