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Changes in 5.3.7

[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed a problem with Event log Trigger when using event type
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed a problem with changing FTP path
[BUGFIX] Server: Now ignoring FTP reply 226
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed "size type" problem in file filter (kB etc.)
[BUGFIX] Client: Fixed sort order in Job/Task control to Order instead of Name
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Hi Devteam,
Thanks for the new beta version. It fixes the things I mentioned in 5.3.6 very nicely. 🤤

I now get however a different ftp error:

10/30/2009 8:32:11 AM
download : Error (5) downloading file(s): cfn20090922.csv, err: Unaccepted server reply (error code is 426) (426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
I did some more FTP test and the one that failed succeded this time without errors (downloaded 1528 files in 25 minutes) 😂
The error mentioned in my previous post happened 1 time (downloaded 9404 files in 40 minutes) and there were some more (3 times) errors in this download task. They all look like this:

10/30/2009 9:20:17 AM	Err	Error (6) downloading file(s): ida20091012.csv, err: Control channel transfer error
10/30/2009 9:20:17 AM	Err	Error at GetFTPFolderNames: Control channel transfer error

Because there is no error code, this isn't easy to handle I think.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Yes, I'm back again....

When I download a whole ftp site icl subdirs and one folder is protected so I have no access, should the task fail, or should it continue skipping the folder I cannor acccess?

10/30/2009 12:01:59 PM	Err	Error changing to FTP folder: Unaccepted server reply (error code is 553) (553 Permission denied.)
10/30/2009 12:02:00 PM	Err	Error at GetFTPFileNames: Control channel transfer error (error code is 10035)
10/30/2009 12:02:00 PM	Err	Error at GetFTPFolderNames: Control channel transfer error (error code is -1)

And I saw in the log this error from a different ftp download task:
10/30/2009 11:56:21 AM	Info	Task started: download (16)
10/30/2009 11:56:21 AM	Info	User "VisualCron Default Admin" - Ran Job: UBS
10/30/2009 11:56:23 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 8'
10/30/2009 11:56:23 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 8'
10/30/2009 11:56:24 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 8'
10/30/2009 11:56:24 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 8'
10/30/2009 11:56:25 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 0'
10/30/2009 11:56:25 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 0'
10/30/2009 11:56:26 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 0'
10/30/2009 11:56:26 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 0'
10/30/2009 11:56:27 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 0'
10/30/2009 11:56:27 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 0'
10/30/2009 11:56:27 AM	Info	Task completed: download (16)

If you havn't noticed: I use a lot of ftp jobs.. 😊

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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