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Robert Pressley
I have a SQL query that pulls some employee information. I have a Email Message task I created a loop around this task to iterate through each row of the query results to send an email to each employee returned from the query. Unfortunately, the only email address it is sending to is mine. To test the loop logic, I set-up a similar loop around a write file task and it successfully wrote out each email address, so I know the loop logic is correct.

I do not know if dynamic email addresses are allowed because I can see this might be a security issue. I have logged a ticket with VC. Does anyone do something similar where you've had to work around this? Thank you
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Robert Pressley
Let me add that the emails contain specific information contained in each row for each employee, so in other words, the email body also has dynamic data soecific to the email recipient.
It is definitely possible to loop over emails and send. We do this and it works fine, so there must be a bug somewhere in you setup. If you post som pics of your tasks, it may be easier to see what is going on
Robert Pressley
Originally Posted by: thomas 

It is definitely possible to loop over emails and send. We do this and it works fine, so there must be a bug somewhere in you setup. If you post som pics of your tasks, it may be easier to see what is going on

Here is my set-up, very basic, photos attached:

Robert Pressley
I think maybe you are starting the loop at the wrong task. Try start loop at the sql task
Nope sorry, thats not it. Will do a test later. Long time since I set this up
I tested now. it works fine for me using the same setup as you. The only thing i can think of is that maybe you have the wrong separator in the sql output?

Robert Pressley
Originally Posted by: thomas 

I tested now. it works fine for me using the same setup as you. The only thing i can think of is that maybe you have the wrong separator in the sql output?

Thanks for the tip. I thought I checked that, but I will take another look at it and report back either way. Thanks again for your suggestions.

Robert Pressley
This issue has been solved. My test users had rules set-up in their Outlook directing the emails to go into special much for productivity over the last few days. I even asked them about that. Nevertheless, thanks to all that replied and offered tips and suggestions. Very much appreciated.
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