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Gordon Londini
I have a PS script that runs fine when run directly (r-click and choose 'run in powershell') but when I set up a job in vcron the script does not run and I get errors like the below messages. I have tried various methods of wait times and pauses withink the scripot and they dont work. There is something in the say vcron is handling the script that is causing it to run differently than when run directly.

Am I missing something? A checkbox that will fix this issue?

Script started at: 11/06/2024 08:42:48
Found 3 PDF files to process at: 11/06/2024 08:42:48
Attempting to print: \\UNCPath\TEST FOLDER\file1.pdf at 11/06/2024 08:42:48
Process for \\UNCPath\TEST FOLDER\file1.pdf did not exit within timeout at 11/06/2024 08:43:48
Attempting to print: \\UNCPath\TEST FOLDER\file1.pdf at 11/06/2024 08:43:58
Process for \\UNCPath\TEST FOLDER\file1.pdf did not exit within timeout at 11/06/2024 08:44:58
Attempting to print: \\UNCPath\TEST FOLDER\file1.pdf at 11/06/2024 08:45:08

Script started at: 11/06/2024 08:52:54
Attempting to print: \\UNCPath\TEST FOLDER\file1.pdf at 11/06/2024 08:52:54
Process for \\UNCPath\TEST FOLDER\file1.pdf already exited at 11/06/2024 08:52:59
Attempting to print: \\UNCPath\TEST FOLDER\file1.pdf at 11/06/2024 08:52:59
Process for \\UNCPath\TEST FOLDER\file1.pdf already exited at 11/06/2024 08:53:05
Attempting to print: \\UNCPath\TEST FOLDER\file1.pdf at 11/06/2024 08:53:05
Process for \\UNCPath\TEST FOLDER\file1.pdf already exited at 11/06/2024 08:53:10
Script finished at: 11/06/2024 08:53:10
Forum information
Joey S
The difference certainly could be between PS on your computer and PS components that are part of VC. I would suggest upgrading to the newest version

Also, when you run the job in VC, who are you running it as? Are you adding a credential? If not, it is run as the computer so if you run it in a PS shell as you but running it in VC as your computer, there might be permissions issues

We have a couple dozen PS scripts running from VC that work as they do in standalone PS. I always run as x86 mode and I always have a credential. I just paste the script into VC without using the parameters or commands tabs

Oh, and if you want, change the output to Foreground instead of background, it might add some insight
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